The size of the penis in adolescents is average. Numerous studies have made it possible to derive a formula for the average size. Along with the parameters, the factors influencing the growth of the penis are determined. Detailed information is provided by experienced experts.

Average sizes
The size of the penis in adolescents is determined by its length and diameter. Most young people are sensitive to the subject being presented. This is due to the obsession with body size. The discrepancy between the penis and the average size causes a feeling of inferiority and instills complexes in the young guy. Scientists were engaged in determining the average size. Numerous studies have found the average penis size at puberty.
For the adequate evaluation of the parameters, measurements are made along the length and circumference. The penis is "studied" at rest, stretched and stimulated. Important: the size of the organ does not affect the reproductive function and the satisfaction of the sexual partner.

At rest, the length of the penis is 5-10 cm, in an excited state - 12-15. In addition, there is a category of a large organ - 15-18 cm and a giant - 18-24 cm. The sizes presented are typical for the penis during the period of stimulation.
It is noteworthy that there is a category of small penis, the parameters of which are 4 cm at rest and 7 cm when stimulated. According to studies, unique cases were identified when the length of the organ did not exceed 2. 5 cm during erection.
The information provided is average and approximate dimensions, which are not the strictest rule. During stimulation, the organ increases significantly due to increased blood flow. In some cases, the indicator is over 2 or more times.
Puberty in boys begins at the age of 9-14. In a given period, secondary sexual characteristics are determined:
- the body is heavily covered with hair (the cover is attached to the face, penis and armpits).
- the foreskin is actively developing.
- the skin on the penis and scrotum is modified.
- the testicles are enlarged.
Before puberty, the parameters of the penis and its appearance change slightly. Visual changes are observed from the age of 9, but this age is not an unshakable rule. Puberty can start earlier or later.
For most teenagers, the appearance of the penis and its size are important life values. Some downward deviations represent a real tragedy. The guy is limited, he tries to limit communication with the opposite sex, he is not sure of his own abilities. In some cases, there is a refusal to visit the pool, sauna. As they grow older, problems appear in intimate life. Sexual relations take place only in empty light. In adulthood, the guy saves money for surgery or tries to use the help of magnifying gels, creams and other devices.
According to doctors, it is not worth getting hung up on the parameters of the penis. There are no generally accepted rules and parameters. Each organism is individual, deviations in one direction or another are acceptable.

The following table shows the average parameters according to the age and height of the man:
Age | Length at rest, cm | Length during stimulation, cm |
eleven | 3–4, 8 | 4, 1–7, 9 |
12 | 4–5, 5 | 8–8, 9 |
13 | 5, 2–6, 5 | 9–11. 5 |
fourteen | 6, 3–8 | 12–13 |
fifteen | 6, 3–8 | 12, 5–13, 5 |
16 | 6, 6–9 | 12, 8–15 |
17 | 7–10. 3 | 13–15. 5 |
eighteen | 8, 4–11, 5 | 13, 5–16 |
The sexual development of adolescents is conditionally divided into several stages:
- stage 1 (9–12 years); The proportions, size and appearance of the penis do not differ from those of early childhood.
- stage 2. The scrotum grows slightly, the structure changes. The skin takes on a reddish hue.
- stage 3. The penis gradually grows, first increasing in length and then in width. The testicles and scrotum change parameters upwards.
- stage 4. The penis has grown impressively, the head of the organ is developing intensively. The scrotum and testicles change in size, the skin darkens.
- stage 5. Genitalia correspond to parameters in an adult male.

The size of the penis at the age of 14 increases significantly. During the ripening period, an active change in external characteristics is observed. The full formation of the reproductive system is determined at the age of adulthood. The maximum parameters of the penis are observed at the age of 18, then the organ practically does not change.
Diagnostic value of penile size
Penile parameters relative to age group and height are used to determine a person's neurohormonal development during puberty. Monitoring of optimal parameters is carried out by sexologists. The first studies were carried out in Moscow, under the guidance of Professor Vasilshenko. It demonstrated the connection between organ parameters and neurohormonal disorders.
Men with significantly smaller penises often suffer from hypogonadism. This is a condition accompanied by an increase in the mammary glands. Due to the active synthesis of female hormones in the body.
The professor deduced the ideal formula for matching parameters regarding a teenager's age and height. Based on the information received, you can determine the state of health and additional factors.
What affects penis growth?
The development of the penis during puberty is affected by various external factors. The dominant aspect is the level of hormones, which actively increases during the maturation period. The discrepancy between the parameters of the penis is due to endocrine disorders in the body. Inadequate hormone production leads to health problems later in life. It is necessary to eliminate violations before adulthood, otherwise testosterone will not be produced in sufficient quantities.
Additional predisposing factors include:
- metabolic disorder. Metabolic processes are responsible for the absorption of active ingredients and their distribution throughout the body. Violation of metabolism leads to the deposition of subcutaneous fat, which visually reduces the size of the penis.
- food. The effect of a balanced diet is insignificant, but this factor is still taken into account. The lack of vitamins, minerals and amino acids slows down the growth processes in the body. The consequence of this is the underdevelopment of many parts of the body, especially the genitals.
- childhood trauma. The injury of the organ, the severe course of pathological processes leaves an imprint on further development. Timely treatment of violations accelerates the body's recovery process.
- abuse of bad habits. Early exposure to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages slows down the development of a developing organism.
Some experts draw a parallel between masturbation, sexual orientation and early sexual activity. The presented factors do not affect the parameters of the instrument. The main causes of deviations from the norm lie in heredity, hormone production and the general condition of the child.
Violations in the process of formation of the organs of the reproductive system are often caused by progressive pathologies, in particular:
- not to open the head of the penis.
- gagging?
- short bridle;
- the onset of prostatitis;
- anarchy;
- cryptorchidism?
- micropenia?
- gynecomastia.

The non-opening of the head of the penis is due both to its fusion and to the narrowing of the opening of the foreskin. In the first case, conservative treatment is sufficient, in the second, surgery is required. The simultaneous course of two variants of the pathology is not excluded. Lack of treatment leads to spontaneous release of the head of the penis, which is accompanied by the development of paraphism. The disease is dangerous from the formation of gangrene.
A short frenulum appears both independently and together with the development of gagging. Lack of treatment leads to difficulties in sexual life during the period of full maturation. In this case, the psycho-emotional state of the young person is attacked.
At a young age, conditions may be set for the development of prostatitis. This process is affected by viral and infectious diseases, circulatory disorders in the pelvis, sedentary lifestyle and intestinal disorders.
Anorchia - the absence of testicles against the background of changes in the process of synthesis of sex hormones.
Cryptorchidism is the failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum. There are three types of disease: false, true and ectopy. In the first case, there is a cremaster reflex, normally it shouldn't be. The scrotum is symmetrical, the testicle is located in the region of the external inguinal ring. With true cryptorchidism, the testicles are located in the abdominal cavity. Ectopy is accompanied by the location of the testicles in the perineum.

Micropenia is an abnormal growth of the penis, in which the penis is shorter than the average length. It occurs as an independent disease and in combination with other pathological processes.
Gynecomastia is a swelling of the mammary glands due to the predominance of female hormones in the body. It is characterized by a pathological and a normal course. In the first case, gynecomastia is associated with a violation of the production of male sex hormones, in the second case, with the dominance of placental estrogens in the body. Normal gynecomastia goes away on its own a few weeks after birth.
Delayed sexual development negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive system in adulthood. The diagnosis is made in the absence of signs of maturation after 14 years. However, constitutional and physical retardation occurs in most cases. The reproductive system can actively develop even after the age of 15. At the same time, the child feels well. It is possible that developmental delay is a consequence of pathological processes in the body. To determine the exact cause, it is advisable to undergo laboratory and organic studies. Developmental delay can develop with the formation of benign tumors and disruption of the synthesis of male hormones.
They can cause deviations both in early and later adolescence. In this case, the genitals begin to grow before the age of 9 or after 15. If you suspect the presence of abnormalities, it is recommended to seek help from a medical institution.
Penis size in boys and adolescents
Many modern parents wonder what should be the size of the penis in boys and teenagers at different ages. And this is not an idle interest - the development of secondary sexual characteristics must be timely, correct and harmonious. While some deviations from the norm are allowed, excessive developmental delay in the future can become a real problem for a young man. Thus, adequate control of penile growth will enable the boy to have a healthy adult life.
When the size of the penis begins to change
Starting at the age of 11-12, little boys experience perhaps the most serious changes in their lives - complex mechanisms associated with hormonal changes in the body are activated. The result of these changes is the beginning of the growth of the genitals and the formation of sexual characteristics in general. Specifically, at the age of 12 it begins:
- increased hair growth on the face and pubic area.
- an increase in the size of the scrotum due to an increase in the volume of the testicles (testicles).
- change in the length and thickness of the penis.
- formation of the foreskin of the penis.
From the age of 11-12, boys begin hormonal changes in the body.
Monitoring the course of these changes in a boy as he grows up is very important, since only in this way can one notice in time the fact of possible disorders and hormonal disorders associated with an excessively low level of production of the male hormone testosterone. It is this hormone that affects the formation and development of secondary sexual characteristics, which, if they do not meet certain standards (in particular, the standards of standard penis sizes), can lead to pathological problems in the genital area in the future man.
When monitoring changes in the size of the penis in adolescents from the age of 11-12 years, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the increase in length, but also to how the volume changes, since this parameter is also important and shouldto increase uniformly.
Typical options for changing the size of the penis in teenagers
The male penis is a part of the body, the size of which depends solely on heredity and the level of testosterone produced by the developing organism of the fetus during its stay in the womb, as well as on the body of the individual during pregnancy. during the ripening period. Obviously, in one person, the size and thickness of the penis will differ from the same indicators in another male representative. However, in children and adolescents in the age group from 12 to 17 years, the data is averaged, as evidenced by the size chart.
Age | Size at rest | erection size | Thickness |
12 years | 5-6 cm | 10-11 cm | 7. 6 cm |
13 years old | 6-7 cm | 12-13 cm | 9. 9 cm |
14 years | 7-8 cm | 13-14 cm | 10. 5 cm |
15 years | 8-8, 5 cm | 15-15, 5 cm | 11 cm |
16 years | 8-9, 5 cm | 16-17 cm | 11. 5 cm |
The size of the penis in adolescents at the age of 17 can change to decrease in length (usually within 0. 5-1 cm), but this happens due to an increase in thickness and is a natural process. In the table, you can see that at the age of 14 (more precisely, at the turn of 14-15 years), the size of the penis at rest changes slightly (by 0. 5 cm), however, the same period is characterized by an increase inlength of the penis when erect. This is explained by the growth of the tissues of the corpora cavernosa which form the member, and the change in their ability to increase, filling with blood when excited.
Interesting: in adolescence, not only the size, but also the bends of the penis are formed and change (although experts note the presence of cases of the formation of bends even before the onset of puberty). Most often, this parameter is so insignificant that the penis is recognized as straight (in 56% of cases), in 29% of teenagers the organ has a slight bend to the right, and in 13% of children - to the left. Less than 3% of cases diagnose the presence of penile flexion, which is greater than 20 ° relative to the body, directed in any direction.
What affects penis growth?
The increase in the size of the penis in a teenager and the phase of development of secondary sexual characteristics actively falls on the age of 12-16 years. At this time, the sufficient production of the testosterone hormone is very important and how much the penis will grow will depend on its quantity. Doctors recommend paying special attention to the development of the genitals in children, as with the early detection of the pathological course of this process (abnormally low testosterone levels), specialists will be able to make adjustments by prescribing hormonal drugs. If a deviation from the norm is found at the age of 15 or, even better, a year earlier, the normal process of puberty will be restored.
Adolescent smoking slows or distorts healthy penile enlargement
Various factors can create a problem for the normal enlargement of the genitals in boys and adolescents, such as:
- genetic predisposition (heredity factor).
- environmental problems that have an overwhelming effect on the hormonal background of the future man.
- transfer of traumatic effects to the genitals.
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- bad habits (especially smoking).
Smoking as a negative factor is associated not so much with the problems created for hormonal adaptation, but with blood circulation. The components of cigarette smoke provide nicotine poisoning of the body with damage to blood vessels (decreasing the elasticity of the walls of the arteries). The lack of blood supply to the genitals leads to a slowing down or distortion of the process of healthy penis enlargement.
Healthy nutrition is not only a guarantee of health for the growing body of boys, but also the main condition under which this process, in general, becomes possible. Doctors note that in an overweight child, the development of secondary sexual characteristics and the reproductive system as a whole will be slower and begin later than in a peer of the middle weight category. And for those parents who are not only worried about the insufficient growth of their son's penis at the age of 16, but also cannot find a common language with such a teenager, it is also recommended to pay attention to proper nutrition. Healthy food with a significant amount of vitamins and complex carbohydrates, exclusion of chocolate, coffee and other products that have an exciting effect on the body of teenagers, and there will be no problems either with the soul of future men or with their genitals.
Modern doctors consider it right for parents to be interested in sensitive issues related to the proper development of the genitals of young boys and adolescents, as this allows them to detect potential problems in time and prevent serious pathologies. However, on the other hand, many psychologists say: increased attention to this issue, as well as reasoning about the right and wrong penis sizes at a given age, can "lead" boys to complexes. Be that as it may, no information is superfluous, therefore, parents more often need knowledge about the developmental norms of their sons.
Member of a 12 year old boy
Normal penis size - is there a rule? Major penis problems
Penisa man must perform three important functions:
- urination;
- sexual intercourse;
- fertilization.
Peniscan be roughly divided into anterior and posterior. The front part is the body of the penis, which has a head at the end, in the center of which there is a slit-shaped external opening for the removal of urine from the body, and the back part is its base, where the penis is located. attached to the pubis. The widest part of the head is the crown, the narrowest part is the neck. Near the neck is a foreskin (skin covering the head itself, attached to the scalp). During an erection, the foreskin moves, exposing the head. The head of the penis is covered with thin skin.
The main purpose of the extremeflesh- protect the extremely sensitive head from irritation. The foreskin during sexual intercourse serves as a kind of roller and at the same time creates additional irritation to the sexual partner (female), which enhances pleasant sensations and arousal.
penis insideexcitedable to become vertical at the level of the abdomen, becomes several times larger, acquires a greater density and a cylindrical shape.
Normal male penis size
About normalcysizescan only be judged after the averages are compared.
When he gets excitedable manPenis sizes range from 12 to 18 centimeters. Of course, there can be deviations from the average size both up and down, but the deviation is only a few percent.
penis length7. 5 to 10 cm when inactive. Usually, with this indicator, representatives of the strong half of humanity are used to compare and draw certain conclusions about dignity, which, of course, is completely wrong, since a small penis in a calm state can have an impressive size duringan erection from a penis that exceeds the size of the first is inactive.
If onetalkregarding adolescents during their adolescence (12-16 years old), then at this age the measurement of this organ is simply meaningless, since the penis is actively developing (growing) at this time.
It is worth noting thatpenis sizeIt's also the thickness. At the same time, this parameter is more important than the length, since the thickness of the penis creates pleasant sensations in a woman. The width of the penis can also be very different - it is 8 - 15 cm.
What affects the size of a man's penis?
First of all, it affectslevelhormone during puberty. If during puberty the level of the hormone is high, the penis will grow, respectively, if the level of the hormone is low, then the penis will become smaller.
Cold water and weather can tooaffect the penis, so manhood should always be hot. From the cold, a man's penis and testicles begin to shrink and hide in the body to warm themselves somewhat.
It has long been proven by scientists thatarteriesof a male smoker are heavily polluted, including those arteries that carry blood to the penis. This means that in a man who smokes, the blood enters the penis much harder, because of this, the growth of the penis can be inhibited. In addition, smoking can lead to a shrinking penis.

The dynamics of the growth of a man's penis - size at 14, 15, 16 years
The main featurepubertyis an enlargement of the testicles in a boy. It starts around 11 or 12 years old.
In the period of 13-16 yearsin a teenager there is rapid growth of the genitals.
At the age of 17-19the last stage in the formation and development of the genital organs occurs.
That is, the first visible increase in the penis appears already at the age of 12-13 years. The rapid growth of the penis continues basically for three years, and already at 16-17 years, at the end of puberty, the penis can grow, but not significantly.
Normal penis size at 14is:
- length at rest - 6 cm.
- length in standing position - 15. 2 cm.
- the size in circumference when standing is 10. 5 cm.
Normal penis size at 15is:
- length at rest - 7 cm.
- length in standing position - 15. 5 cm.
- size in circumference in standing position - 11 cm.
Normal penis size at 16is:
- length at rest - 7 cm.
- length in standing position - 16. 5 cm.
- size in circumference when standing - 11. 5 cm.
Big penis problems - reviews
Many women with introductionbig penisso painful that the act becomes simply impossible. Because of this, it is quite problematic for a man of great dignity to establish a strong relationship.
The dynamics of penis development in adolescents
The main symptom that indicates the onset of puberty is the swelling of the testicles. This usually happens between the ages of 10 and 12. However, if this did not happen during the specified period, you should not panic, teenagers have another 1-2 years.
The most active development of the phallus occurs in the period from 14 to 16 years. In these two years a significant increase in the length of the penis occurs. In the final stage of adulthood, at the age of 16-17 years, a thickening of the organ is observed, which may be accompanied by a slight reduction in the length of the penis.