The human body is very complex. He is guided by his own laws. Everyone knows that the nose and ears do not stop growing until old age. Other parts of the body stop growing at a certain age. Sometimes, it can even decrease with age. This also applies to the male genitalia.
Children are interested in how old the penis grows. And they are also interested in what affects this factor? What can be done to make the member grow faster?
When does a boy's penis start to grow?

The first period - a change in penis size begins at birth and continues into adolescence. This time period is called the infant developmental stage.
The penis does not show radical changes during this period. However, with the general development of the boy, the penis grows.
The following is the stage of penile development with an increase in the body of a teenager. This is the period when the penis begins to grow. For some, this time appears at 10, for others - at 14 years.
This age gap must be taken into account by both the child and the parents. As they often panic due to lack of penile changes in late adolescence.

Development process
Before summarizing the penis development schedule, it is necessary to explain the penis development process itself. If you do not take into account the anatomy, then you can focus on the cavernous bodies and vessels located in the spongy bodies and skin of individuals. These nodes undergo changes during the development process. The spongy substance is subject to constant renewal and changes in size. This allows you to get a visual increase in the length and width of the male genitalia. At the same time, the renewal of cell masses and the growth of blood vessels increase the size of the erect penis.
The most active period
When the penis is in the developmental stage, it is in its most active stage of development. This time falls on the age of a teenager from 12 to 14 years old. During this period, the member will grow by 2-3 cm / year. Also, at this time, the sex glands are activated, which synthesize sex hormones. As a result, the reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics are activated.
At the age of 12-13 years, the penis grows not only in length, but also increases significantly in diameter. After that, at the age of 14-15 years, the stage of sperm maturation begins and emissions begin.
The latter are particularly troubling at night.
How old is this?

Supporting at what age the penis grows in men, we can conclude that up to 18-20 years. But this is unconfirmed information, as an analogy can be made between the development of the penis and the male body as a whole.
Some men stop growing at 24, others at 18. This is an unpredictable trait and depends on many factors. It is impossible to predict this, as it often does not depend on genetics.
If you ask a doctor about the period of termination of genital development in men, then you can listen - 18-20 years. The expiration date is determined by the characteristics of the organization. This is the typical, in other words, generally accepted choice.
What affects the process?
When does a boy's penis start to grow? The first thing that affects this factor is genetics. It is the father's heredity that most affects the penis. This applies not only to the length and diameter, but also to the appearance. However, this is not all. There are other criteria that determine the development of the penis.
- Testosterone. The guy should have enough of this hormone, as a lack of it can significantly slow down the growth of the penis or even stop this process. Testosterone deficiency is a symptom of a disease that requires early treatment. After 18-20 years, it will be impossible to correct the situation.
- Metabolism. During the period of penile development, you must pay attention to the metabolic processes in the body. They have to do the right thing. Otherwise, a young man may become obese and this visually reduces the penis due to the adipose tissue that covers it.
With weight loss, the problem will disappear, but obesity has a negative effect on the body as a whole.
- Inadequate nutrition. If a young person does not eat properly, then he becomes weaker and his organs slow down. This also applies to the penis. Therefore, you must take care to follow the proper diet. Adequate amount of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals in the body contributes to the intensive growth of the penis.
- Diseases and injuries. During the period when the penis begins to grow, boys become vulnerable to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. Illnesses and injuries can delay or even stop growth
- Bad Habits. Males often suffer from delayed penile development due to early use of alcohol, drugs and nicotine. Bad habits slow down the growth of the whole body and have a negative effect on penis size.
Possible problems
There are factors that change the limits of stopping penile growth. This is a negative effect on the body as a whole. These factors include:

- Wrong way of life. It is not only bad habits at a young age, but also excessive consumption of sweets, rich foods, excessive or irregular diet, lack of physical activity and walking, prolonged stay indoors.
- Pathology. In particular, endocrine disorders can affect penile development. It is important to correct your health condition in a timely manner by contacting specialists.
- Drugs that slow down the development of the reproductive system. First of all, this section is about drugs that cause erections in boys until adulthood. Many guys use these drugs completely irrationally. And this means slowing down the growth of the penis.
- Bad environment. A negative state of ecology can cause pathologies. It is often this factor that affects penile development.
You can also tell about specific diseases that involve a change in the period of penile development - these are:
- Peyronie's disease is a pathology of the soft tissues of the penis. It is characterized by sclerosis that stops the growth of the penis. The penis becomes crooked and tight.
- Priapism is a pathology of delayed penile development. It manifests itself with sudden erections that do not subside after ejaculation. Accompanied by painful sensations and lack of filling with blood on the head.
- Penile abnormalities are congenital abnormalities and may not occur until the lack of penile development becomes fully apparent. It is fraught with the inability of the man to reach ejaculation.
How can membership growth be accelerated or extended?
By understanding the approximate limits of penile growth, you can find differences in growth over time. But do not panic - there are ways to help you grow faster.
- Changing your diet. It is necessary to choose a diet that will enrich the body with the necessary elements to accelerate the growth of the penis. These are all kinds of vegetables, fruits, seafood, dairy products.
- Lifestyle correction includes giving up bad habits, exercising regularly and eating right.
- Early treatment of diseases.
Five best ways to boost your penis growth
- Perform special exercises as well as jelqing.
- The use of ointments, creams, extracts, gels, sprays and other medicinal products that promote penile growth.
- Stretching the instrument using special devices: extension, stretcher or weights.
- The use of a vacuum pump.
- Surgery that will help correct not only the length but also the shape of the organ.
Understanding the characteristics of the male reproductive system and how big the penis is allows you to take control of this process and correct the situation in time.
Thus, the young man and his parents will be able to react in time to the problem and correct it with methods at home or with the help of medical intervention. Some methods help to correct the situation at a later age, so do not despair. The main thing is to understand that any choice of life can lead to consequences that worsen or improve the state of affairs.