The size and shape of the lash penis does not affect the normal functions of the organ (with the exception of traumatic deformities), which can not be said about the quality of life. It is possible to increase the length and thickness of the penis with the help of plastic surgery and various conservative methods. The choice of methods for enlarging the head is very limited. It consists of a porous tissue (corpora spongiosum) that is difficult to repair. In this article we will tell you about the ways in which you can enlarge the lash of the penis.
It is worth raising your head
A huge number of nerve endings and blood vessels accumulate in the tissues of the head. Their damage can lead to loss of sensitivity with the consequent inability to achieve orgasm and even necrosis.. . . The appropriateness of this or that type of intervention is evaluated by a specialist based on the results of a visual examination and analysis.
When a patient requests an enlargement of the head of the penis, the doctor first of all assesses the degree of necessity for such an intervention.There are several basic signs:
- Sexual dysfunction.
- The head is much smaller in diameter than the trunk ("sinks").
- The need to wear an extension (a device for stretching the penis) in the absence of the possibility of its normal fastening.
- Severe imbalance after penile thickening surgery.
The above factors lead to health problems, the development of complexes and low self-esteem of a man, create obstacles for a full life.
Penis enlargement methods
There are not many available and safe methods for enlarging the head. Each of them has its own advantages, disadvantages and complications that must be taken into account when choosing.
Surgical method
Surgical methods for head augmentation are still experimental and not widespread.. . . This is due to the fact that the spongy tissue can neither stretch nor grow. It is also almost impossible to insert anything into it.
In many sources there is information about the method of enlarging the head by implanting organic uterine thickening between it and the corpora cavernosa. With this technique, dissection of the feeding vessels is inevitable, which can lead to inactivating consequences - tissue necrosis. There is no detailed description of the operation; it is also not included in the list of services of specialized clinics.
Head growth with hyaluronic acid
Penis enlargement by injection is a popular and proven procedure offered by many clinics.. . . Hyaluronic acid is used as a filler. It is a substance related to humans and forms a natural matrix for soft tissues. After the procedure, there is no rejection or allergic reactions. Some clinics use hyaluronic acid formulations that are unsuitable for head injection. This then leads to migration and deformation of the treated area.
A few days before the procedure, the patient receives the examinations provided for the preliminary consultation. The day before, it is necessary to shave the operating area: pubis, scrotum, inner thigh. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. In total, 10 ml of the drug is injected into the head. Then, antiseptic treatment and massage are performed for even distribution of the substance.
As for technology, thenthere are two basic options. . . In some clinics, a deep puncture is made on both sides of the bridle and one in the crown groove. In this way, the doctor spreads the gel under the skin by slowly pulling the needle. In other clinics, the head is injected according to the principle of plastic contour - 10-12 shallow injections. As a result, the volume of the treated area increases by 1. 5 times (in non-erect state). The surface of the foreskin becomes smooth, shiny and elastic immediately after the procedure.
No hospitalization is required, as well as hospital supervision.Sexual activity can begin in 3-4 days.as long as there are no complications. The gel dissolves gradually, so the effect will last for 6-18 months (the period depends on the individual characteristics of the body).
The injection method for enlarging the head is considered safe, but there is still damage to the structure of the blood vessels (the needle pierces entire layers of spongy tissue). Microwaves appear, which can adversely affect the quality of blood flow. There is also a possibility of infection with subsequent melting of the head tissues and the formation of fistulas. The latter can lead to irreparable deformations.
After enlarging the head with the help of hyaluronic acid injections, the contact time is increased by about 2 times - due to the formation of a layer between the receptors and the nerve endings.
Information for fans of experiments: Do not inject substances such as sythole, sausage toxin, silicone, Vaseline into the head. Such experiments will lead to the development of oily granulomas, which are manifested by tuberculosis and inflammation of the skin surface. In some cases, irreversible deformities occur and a fatal outcome is possible.
Devices and exercises for enlarging the head of the penis
The spongy tissue consists of many cavities that stretch when filled with blood, but to a much lesser extent than the body tunnel structures.It will not be possible to significantly increase the size of the head at home with the help of exercises and massage (the development of new tissue is impossible), but some remarkable results can be achieved. . . The main rule is that during the lessons, pain and intense dark skin color should not be allowed.
To enlarge the lash, the same techniques are used as for the penis:
- Julie. . . It is performed on an upright penis up to about 60%. Exercise option: hold the penis firmly at the base with two fingers (OK-grip), using Kegel exercises (several contractions of the pubic muscle) provide an extra rush of blood, then move the handle to the middle of the penis, pressing it tighter with the fingers. Hold for 20 seconds. Move the handle to the head itself and hold again for 20 seconds. Unscrew your fingers, make a few movements up and down and repeat the exercise.
- Tightening- coating of blood pumped to the penis with the help of erection rings and clamps. In the beginning, you can not hold the pressure for more than 10 minutes.
- Jelq- "milking". The penis is tightened with two fingers, with slow movements the blood is pumped from the root to the head. The hands alternate.
An effective exercise for enlarging the penis of the eyelash (performed without an erection):
- Move the foreskin towards you as much as possible.
- With your left hand, close the OK handle 5 mm from the head, pull the penis away from you for 15 seconds.
- Without loosening the sphincter with your left hand, perform several Kegel contractions and close the OK handle at the base of the penis with your right hand.
- Carefully assemble both handles (the penis will be compressed with an accordion), loosen the handle under the head, let the blood flow in it, and then press again.
- Remove the right hand, pull the penis again, but louder.
The exercise is performed in 6-7 approaches with a change of hands. The lessons stop as soon as the foreskin starts to swell. An increase in the head can be observed in 3-4 weeks of regular training.
The most important results are seen with pump exercises.. . . There are special cylinders marked "mushroom" (translated from English. It means "mushroom"), allowing you to focus on the study of the upper part of the penis. The cylinder has a silicone insert with a hole (rubber sleeve) into which the head is inserted. Thus, it is isolated from the barrel and exposed to a targeted vacuum. Some make it easier: gently (without disturbing the blood flow) bandage the penis and leave the head open - the same isolation effect is achieved when you exercise with a conventional pump. After a month of regular exercise, you can achieve a lash penis enlargement of 2-3 mm (according to the reviews of those involved).
External products and supplements
Gels, ointments and various creams, which the manufacturers use as an enlargement of the head of the penis, work by irritating the receptors, pumping blood flow. As a resultthere is a temporary effect of mild edema and hypersensitivity to the receptors. . . Achieve a persistent and remarkable increase in head volume even with daily and active use of these fundsimpossibility. . .
Examples of drugs:
- gel with horse chestnut extracts, ginseng, ginger, muira puama.
- Horny Goat Weed, Thistle, Elastin, Peruvian Maca, Amino Acids Gel?
- cream with philodendron, broomstick, calf calf, bear bile.
The main disadvantage of all the above means is the possibility of an allergic reaction.
Which way to choose
The choice of a way of enlarging the head depends on its original shape and size, the state of health of the man and his financial capabilities.
The fastest, most important and long-term result is achieved with the introduction of hyaluronic acid. In this case, in addition to the significant financial costs, the contraindications must also be taken into account:
- Genital herpes;
- Lupus erythematosus;
- Infectious lesions of the head and genitals.
- Tumors;
- Diabetes.
The clinic and the doctor should be selected based on the recommendations of patients who have successfully performed the procedure.. . . The information on the institutions' websites is often unreliable.
It is recommended to use external means only in combination with pumping exercises or manual(according to reviews of most men in niche forums). By themselves, these drugs can only increase arousal and sensitivity.
Manual and hardware techniques for raising the head, if used incorrectly, can lead to negative consequences:
- Worsening of the erection, impotence.
- The formation of hematomas.
- Damage to the tissues of the head and its deformation.
- Necrosis.
Many men have experienced similar problems, which have arisen as a result of overly active practice. Such techniques should not be used for varicose veins and other pathologies of the vessels of the small pelvis, as well as in the presence of infectious diseases of the urogenital organs.
- "For me personally, the best pump is. Both the penis and the head increase proportionally. But it took 1. 5 years of regular courses. "Now I work in maintenance. "
- "Exercises and ointments are a mockery of the instrument. I once pinched my head with hyaluronic acid and forgot about it. The swelling subsided every other day, the result is excellent - it stood out immediately in the background of the trunk ".
There are no completely safe and at the same time effective methods of penis enlargement. Surgery has many side effects and an insufficient basis for long-term results. Injections, vacuum pumps and massage can also lead to negative consequences. If an increase in the head is really objectively necessary, then you should first consult a doctor.